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History of the USA

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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PROGRAM 1.Colonial America 1580-1750

Discoveries. Colonial Roots. The Road to Revolution. 2.Revolutionary America, 1750-1815

The Revolution. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin. Transition to Jacksonian Era. War of 1812. 3.Democratic America, 1815-1850

Monroe Doctrine. Federalists, Republicanism, Sectionalism. Jackson. Manifest Destiny. The Old South. 4.America and the Civil War, 1850-1870

Crisis of the Union. The War and Lincoln 5.Industrial America, 1870-1912

Reconstruction. 6.Industrialization.

Post War Expansion. Urbanization. Immigration. 7.America as a "melting pot", 1912-1929

Wilson. World War I. "Isolationism", "Normalcy" and "Depression" 8.America as a Superpower, 1929-1945

From Isolation to Global War. New Deal. F.D. Roosevelt. World War II. 9.America and the Cold War, 1945-1961

Truman. War in Korea, "Containment". Deadlock in Eisenhower Years. 10.America as a country that solves and makes problems, 1960-1969

Kennedy and Johnson: From New Frontiers through Great Society to Vietnam 11.America: Rise and Fall of Détente, 1969-1980

Rebellion and Reaction. Nixon and Watergate, Democratic intermezzo: Jimmy Carter 12.America: From Cold War to Old War, 1980-1989

From Collapse of Détente to Fall of Iron Curtain. Reagan and Rebirth of American Self-confidence 13.America in the Post-Cold War Era, 1989-

New World Order? Problems after the End of Bipolar World



The lecture offers a survey of the history of the United States, from the time of its origin to the present.

PROGRAM 1.Colonial America 1580-1750

Discoveries. Colonial Roots. The Road to Revolution. 2.Revolutionary America, 1750-1815

The Revolution. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin. Transition to Jacksonian Era. War of 1812. 3.Democratic America, 1815-1850

Monroe Doctrine. Federalists, Republicanism, Sectionalism. Jackson. Manifest Destiny. The Old South. 4.America and the Civil War, 1850-1870

Crisis of the Union. The War and Lincoln 5.Industrial America, 1870-1912

Reconstruction. 6.Industrialization.

Post War Expansion. Urbanization. Immigration. 7.America as a "melting pot", 1912-1929

Wilson. World War I. "Isolationism", "Normalcy" and "Depression" 8.America as a Superpower, 1929-1945

From Isolation to Global War. New Deal. F.D. Roosevelt. World War II. 9.America and the Cold War, 1945-1961

Truman. War in Korea, "Containment". Deadlock in Eisenhower Years. 10.America as a country that solves and makes problems, 1960-1969

Kennedy and Johnson: From New Frontiers through Great Society to Vietnam 11.America: Rise and Fall of Détente, 1969-1980

Rebellion and Reaction. Nixon and Watergate, Democratic intermezzo: Jimmy Carter 12.America: From Cold War to Old War, 1980-1989

From Collapse of Détente to Fall of Iron Curtain. Reagan and Rebirth of American Self-confidence 13.America in the Post-Cold War Era, 1989-

New World Order? Problems after the End of Bipolar World


Tindall, George Brown and Shi, David E., America: a narrative history, New York, London, W.W. Norton & Co., 1993.

Purvis, Thomas L., Encyklopedie dějin USA, Praha, Ivo Železný, 1999.

LaFeber Walter, The American Age. United States Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad since 1750, New York, London, W.W. Norton & Co., 1989.

Johnson, Paul, Dějiny amerického národa, Praha, Academia,2000.


The Lectures are selective and do not provide a complete survey of the History of the USA.


Oral examination based on knowledge of the topics and problems discussed in the lecture.