Programme of the winter semester: Linguistic typology, with special reference to English
Week 1 : Introductory
Week 2
Primary text 1 due: The Fall of Adam and Eve (Gen 3,1-19):
Old English:
Middle English:
Early Modern English:
Modern English:
Secondary text 1 due:
Popela, Jaroslav, Skali?kova jazyková typologie, vyd. B. Vykyp?l a V. Bo?ek, Brno 2006 (I: pp. 1-19) (viz )
Week 3
Secondary text 2 due:
Popela, Jaroslav, Skali?kova jazyková typologie, vyd. B. Vykyp?l a V. Bo?ek, Brno 2006 (II: pp. 19-29)
Week 4
Secondary text 3 due:
Popela, Jaroslav, Skali?kova jazyková typologie, vyd. B. Vykyp?l a V. Bo?ek, Brno 2006 (III: pp. 29-39)
Week 5
Secondary text 4 due:
Sgall, Petr, 'Typology and development of the Indo-European Languages', Actes du dixičme Congres international des linguists 3, 1967, pp. 505-511
Week 6
Secondary text 5 due:
?ermák, František, 'Typology of the Germanic Languages with Special Reference to Dutch', Folia Linguistica XII:1/2, pp. 65-106
Week 7
Secondary text 6 due:
Trnka, Bohumil: 'Analysis and Synthesis in English', English Studies 10, 1928, 138-144, or in: Trnka, Bohumil, Selected Papers in Structural Linguistics, ed. by Vilém Fried, Janua Linguarum, Series Maior 88, Mouton: Berlin and Amsterdam, 1982, pp. 287-295
Week 8
Secondary text 7 due:
Vachek, Josef, 'Morphonological Signals in Linguistic Typology', Folia Linguistica Historica II/1, 1981, s. 99-114
Week 9
Secondary text 8 due:
Trnka, Bohumil: 'Odvozován í slov v morfologické struktu?e angli?tiny', in: B. T., Kapitoly z funk?ní jazykov?dy/Studies in Functional Linguistics, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 1988, pp. 154-169
Week 10
Secondary text 9 due:
Trnka, Bohumil: 'Dlouhá slova v angli?tin?', in: B. T., Kapitoly z funk?ní jazykov?dy/Studies in Functional Linguistics, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 1988, pp. 169-192
Week 11
Secondary text 10 due:
Vachek, Josef: 'Some Less Familiar Aspects Of The Analytical Trend Of English', Brno Studies in English 3, 1961, 9-78 , pp. 1-44 ONLY
Week 12
Secondary text 11 due:
Vachek, Josef: 'Some Less Familiar Aspects Of The Analytical Trend Of English', Brno Studies in English 3, 1961, 9-78 , pp. 44-71 ONLY
Week 13
Concluding discussion and test
Preliminary programme of the spring semester, 2008/9 1. Sociolinguistics, language change and history of English 2. English in Britain - a diachronic overview 3. Social and political contexts of language change in Anglo-Saxon England 4. Standardisation in the History of English 5. Language contact, dialect variation, and written standardisation during the Middle English period 6. Renaissance English 7. English at the Onset of the Normative Tradition 8. English in the Nineteenth Century
The two-semester course is designed as an expansion on the B.A. level lecture and seminar on the history of English (History of English I).
Presentations of relevant linguistic essays, text analyses and exercises related to a variety of topics in English historical word-formation, syntax, lexical history and sociolinguistics will help the student develop a deeper understanding of the major historical forces shaping the development of English.
History of the English Language I working knowledge of Czech, Old and Middle English