- Introduction (what is discourse?, approaches to discourse, units of discourse, views of language, context and co-text, discourse phenomena)
- Intro to different approaches: relationship btw structure and function, btw text and context, nature of communication
- Definitions of discourse (formal vs functional approaches), data collection + transcription conventions
- Speech Act Theory (the expressibility principle, taxonomies, conditions, multiple functions)
- Pragmatics: cooperative principle, maxims, entailment, presupposition, implicature, relevance
- Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz, Goffman) - contextualization cues, Goffman - Politeness Theory Ethnography of Communication: components of speech
- Conversation Analysis: turn-taking, adjacency pairs, structure of conversation, a higher-level structure
- Variation Analysis, narrative structure
- Registers
- Cohesion, Rhetorical Structure Theory
- Discourse markers
- The Socio-Semiotic Approach
\r\n- Critical Discourse Analysis
* Topics:- Introduction (what is discourse?, approaches to discourse, units of discourse, views of language, context and co-text, discourse phenomena)- Intro to different approaches: relationship btw structure and function, btw text and context, nature of communication- Definitions of discourse (formal vs functional approaches), data collection + transcription conventions- Speech Act Theory (the expressibility principle, taxonomies, conditions, multiple functions)- Pragmatics: cooperative principle, maxims, entailment, presupposition, implicature, relevance- Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz, Goffman) - contextualization cues, Goffman - Politeness Theory Ethnography of Communication: components of speech- Conversation Analysis: turn-taking, adjacency pairs, structure of conversation, a higher-level structure- Variation Analysis, narrative structure - Registers- Cohesion, Rhetorical Structure Theory- Discourse markers
- The Socio-Semiotic Approach
- Critical Discourse Analysis