- četba a analýza textů historiografických (kroniky)
- četba a analýza textů právní povahy (zákony, zakládací listiny, závěti)
- četba a analýza textů náboženské prózy (kázání, homilie, vzdělavatelná próza)
- četba a analýza textů soukromé korespondence
- četba a analýza textů pozdně středověkého a renesančního dramatu
- četba a analýza textů básnických ","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"Topics:
- analysis of historical texts (chronicles)
- analysis of legal texts (laws, charters, wills)
- analysis of religious texts (sermons, homilies)
- analysis of private correspondence
- analysis of late medieval and renaissance drama
- analysis of poetic texts
Topics: - analysis of historical texts (chronicles) - analysis of legal texts (laws, charters, wills) - analysis of religious texts (sermons, homilies) - analysis of private correspondence - analysis of late medieval and renaissance drama - analysis of poetic texts
The seminar will focus on reading and analysis of selected Old English texts. Each text is presented as a self-contained whole with a glossary, philological commentary and basic information on its literary background.
The aim of the seminar is a) to provide students of the history of the language with a wider empirical basis; b) to encourage the students who aim to pursue their study of historical linguistics, English medieval literature and medieval studies to develop a firmer philological grasp of medieval English. Previous knowledge of Old English is not required.