Seminar 1 - Research methods in ELT and applied linguisticsEpistemology and ontology - subjectivism, relativism, positivism, post-positivism etc,How to read and understand an applied linguistics research articleThe quantitative and qualitative distinction - types of research, their use and applicationCritical reading in applied linguistics
Seminar 2 & 3- Teaching grammarPresenting and practising grammar - techniquesMistakes and correctionGrammar and accuracy in the Common Europe and Framework of Reference
Seminar 4 & 5 - Teaching speaking Fluency and accuracyDesigning tasks and materials for speakingOrganizing time and space in speaking activitiesSources for speaking activitiesFeatures of communicative activitiesTypes of communicative activitiesHow to get your students to talk.Speaking and spoken interaction in the Common Europe and Framework of Reference
Seminar 6 - Teaching listening The process and product dichotomyBottom-up and top-down approachesPrinciples of teaching listeningDesigning tasks, adapting tasksSources of materials for listening activitiesWorking with videos Listening in the Common Europe and Framework of Reference
Seminar 7 - Teaching readingThe process and product dichotomy in relation to readingBottom-up and top-down approaches in relation to readingPrinciples of teaching readingDesigning and adapting tasks for readingGraded readers, school and class librariesUsing literatureReading in the Common Europe and Framework of Reference
Seminar 8 - Teaching writingThe process and product dichotomy in relation to writingPrinciples of teaching writingDesigning and adapting tasks for writingMarking, grading and feedbackWriting in the Common Europe and Framework of Reference
Seminar 9 - Testing, assessment, teaching for exams Testing, assessment, gradingDesigning language tests and exams Validity and reliabilityTypes of assessmentThe washback effectPreparing students for examsThe design of the Nová maturitaPreparing students for the Nová maturita
Seminar 10 - Content-integrated learningTeaching English for Specific Purposes Teaching English for Academic Purposes Content and Language Integrated LearningEnglish as a Medium of InstructionBusiness English
Seminar 11 - Curricular documentsCzech curricular documents - overview, critical evaluation, benefits and practical implicationsThe Common European Framework of Reference
Seminar 12 - Teacher developmentTeacher autonomyContinuous development in all areas.Overview of recommended books, journals etc. Conferences/seminars, websites for teachersClassroom researchKeeping motivatedGrowing as an expert, growing as a personReflective teachingThe first year and beyondKariérní řádKeeping sane - preventing the burnout syndrome
Seminar 13 - Practicum seminar + Cooperation at schools Organizace, význam a realizace povinné praxeTeacher cooperationTeacher-parent interaction and cooperation
Základní kurz Didaktika AJ 2 (pokra čování kurzu Didaktika AJ 1)
Tento aplikovaně lingvistický kurz si klade za cíl poskytnout jak teoretickou bázi pro vyučování cizích jazyků, tak platformu pro procvičování a rozvoj konkrétních praktických technik a dovedností, které charakterizují učitelskou profesi v oboru vyučování angličtiny jako cizího jazyka. Studenti se v seminářích seznamují s klíčovými, současným výzkumem podloženými koncepty například z oborů jazykové akvizice, lingvistiky, psycholingvistiky, pedagogiky, psychologie a vzdělávání učitelů jazyků. Tyto poznatky vytvářejí bázi pro získávání specifických technik využitelných při výuce cizích jazyků, které studenti procvičují, observují, hodnotí a kriticky vyhodnocují na příklad prostřednictvím mikrovyučování či video observací.