Each slot (e.g. lecture/seminar/tutorial) will last 45 minutes. There are 18 slots in total.
L = lecture
T = tutorial
S = seminar
E = exam (final in-class analysis)
Fri 13. 12. 14.10-15.45 (2 slots)
· Intro to the course (L/S)
· Intro to LVC theory (L/S) room 129
Sat 14.12. 9.10-11:35 (3 slots)
· Variation in vowels in English accents (L/S)
· Introduction to Praat (T) 13:10-15:35 (3 slots)
· Analysing variation in English vowels (T) room 129
Mon 16. 12. 14.10-15.45, 15.50-17.25 (4 slots)