To read and interpret Shakespeare´s clowns and fools in relevant cultural and social contexts.
Active participation in the seminar discussions, one oral presentation, one essay (5 to 10 pages maximum).
Further details including dates of presentations and essays will be discussed in the first seminar.
Oral presentations (to be specified):
Speed and Launce (Two Gentlemen of Verona)
The Dromios (The Comedy of Erros)
Costard and company(Love´s Labours´s Lost)
Bottom and the Mechanicals (A Midsummer Night´s Dream)
Lancelot Gobbo (The Merchant of Venice)
Dogberry (Much Ado About Nothing)
Pompey (Measure for Measure)
Lavache (All ´s Well that Ends Well)
Thersites (Troilus and Cressida)
Falstaff (Henry IV.)
Falstaff (Merry Wives of Windsor)
Gravediggers and Yorick (Hamlet)
The Porter (Macbeth)
Touchstone (As You Like It)
Feste (Twelfth Night)
Lear´s Fool
The key plays debated in the seminar will be Love´s Labour´s Lost, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, As You Like It,
Tweflth Night and King Lear.