Weekly Schedule:
Week 1, Tuesday 3 October:
Experimental Film from Maya Deren
Pre-film lecture and screening:
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943, 14 minutes) with Alexander Hammid; At Land (1944, 15 minutes);
A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945, 3 minutes); Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946, 14 minutes).
Post-film lecture/discussion
Erik Roraback will lead a discussion of selected texts in Essential Deren: Collected Writings on Film by Maya Deren, in Maya Deren: Incomplete Control by Sarah Keller and in Maya Deren and the American Avant-
Garde ed. by Bill Nichols.
Week 2, Tuesday 10 October:
The Early Sound Soviet Cinema and the Late-Style Quiet Eisenstein
Pre-film lecture and screening:
Portions of Ivan the Terrible, Part One (1945 Russian with English subtitles, 99 minutes); Ivan the Terrible, Part Two (1946, Russian with English subtitles, 85 minutes), dir. Sergei Eisenstein.
Post-film lecture/discussion
Readings: D. Cook: A History, pp. 302–03.
G. Lambert: “Cinema and the Outside” in The Brain is the Screen, pp. 253–92.
E. Roraback: “Dialectical Linkages and Circulations; or, the Moves and Capitals of Silence of