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Language, Culture and Social Cognition

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Weekly Schedule 

Week 1-February 22, 2010

Course Introduction content of the seminar, goals, expectations, requirements will be discussed research areas and key concepts will be introduced  

Week 2-March 1, 2010

Setting up the Stage

Lillard, A. S. (1997). Other folks’ theories of mind and behavior. Psychological Science, 8, 268-274.

Astington, J. W., & Filippova, E. (2005). Language as the route into other minds. In B. F. Malle & S. D. Hodges (Eds.), Other minds: How humans bridge the divide between self and others (pp. 209-222). New York, NY: Guilford Publications, Inc. 

Week 3-March 8, 2010

Language Socialization I

Ochs, E., & Schieffelin, B. B. (1984). Language acquisition and socialization: Three developmental stories and their implications. In R. A. Shweder & R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 276-320.

Week 4-March 15, 2010

Language Socialization II

Ochs, E., & Schieffelin, B. (1995). The impact of language socialization on grammatical development. In P. Fletcher & B. MacWhinney (eds.), Handbook of child language. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 168-189.

Week 5-March 22, 2010

 Conceptual Development I: Intro

Carpendale, J. I. M. & Lewis, C. (2004). Constructing an understanding of              mind: The development of children’s social understanding within social                 interaction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27, 79-151.

Week 6-March 29, 2010

Conceptual Development II: Culture and Discourse

Nelson, K. (2005). Language Pathways into the Community of Minds. In J. W. Astington & J. A. Baird (eds.), Why language matters for theory of mind. Oxford: Oxford UP, pp. 26-49.  

Week 7-April 5, 2010

Conceptual Development III: Mind concepts, Emotions

Callaghan, T., Rochat, P., Lillard, A., Claux, M. L., Odden, H., Itakura, S., et al. (2005). Synchrony in the onset of mental-state reasoning: Evidence from five cultures. Psychological Science, 16, 378-384.

Tenenbaum, H. R., Visscher, P., Pons, F., & Harris, P. L. (2004). Emotional understanding in Quechua children from an agro-pastoralist village. International Journal of Behavioral Development 28, 472-478.

Week 8-April 12, 2010

Pragmatics I: Intro

Reading TBA

Week 9-April 19, 2010

Pragmatics II: Non-literal language

Filippova, E., & Astington, J. W. (2010). Children's understanding of social-cognitive and social-communicative aspects of discourse irony. Child Development, 81, 915-930.

Week 10-April 26, 2010

Pragmatics III: Language ideology, language change, language shift

Fader, A. (2006). Learning faith: Language socialization in a community of Hasidic Jews. Language in Society, 35, 205-229.

Week 11-May 3, 2010

Biology and Social Cognition I: Atypical development de Villiers, P. A. (2005). The role of language in theory-of-mind development: What deaf children tell us. In J.W. Astington & J. A. Baird (eds.), Why language matters for theory of mind. Oxford: Oxford UP, pp. 265-297.

Week 12-May 10, 2010

Biology and Social Cognition II: Evolutionary perspectives

Frith, C. D., & Frith, U. (2007). Social Cognition in Humans. Current Biology 17, 724-732.

Week 13-May 17, 2010

Course Wrap-up

            Reading TBA  

Note: The schedule is subject to change with a prior notice. Any such notice will be made in class well in advance.