19-02-2021 – First session: Introduction and COVID-19 in Turkey
Presentation of the course, explanation of work methods and validation modalities
Distribution of oral presentations
Discussion of the politics of COVID-19 in Turkey 26-02-2021 – Second session: Crash course on Turkey
Reading: Bozarslan, Hamit. “Kemalism, Westernization and Anti-Liberalism.” In Turkey Beyond Nationalism: Towards Post-Nationalist Identities, edited by Hans-Lukas Kieser, 28–34. London: I.B.Tauris, 2006. 05-03-2021 – Third session: Birth and development of the AKP
Oral presentation: Is AKP an Islamist party?
Reading: Gülsah Çapan, Zeynep, and Ayşe Zarakol. “Turkey’s Ambivalent Self: Ontological Insecurity in ‘Kemalism’ versus ‘Erdoğanism.’” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32, no. 3 (May 4, 2019): 263–82. 12-03-2021 – Fourth session: Military coups and Turkish politics
Oral presentation: 2016 military coup attempt
Reading: Esen, Berk, and Sebnem Gumuscu. “Turkey: How the Coup Failed.” Journal of Democracy 28, no. 1 (2017): 59–73. 19-03-2021 – Fifth session: Turkey’s road to presidentialism
Oral presentation: 2017 constitutional referendum
Oral presentation: Presidential regime a la turca?
Reading: Ertekin, Orhan Gazi. “The Rise of Caesarism, or Erdoğan’s Way.” South Atlantic Quarterly 118, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 61–80. https://doi.org/10.1215/00382876-7281600. 26-03-2021 – Sixth session: New political parties
Oral presentation: The Good Party (Iyi Parti)
Reading: Celep, Ödül. “How Can Akşener’s İyi Parti Contribute to Turkey’s Democracy?” Turkish Policy Quarterly 16, no. 4 (2018): 109–18. 02-04-2021 – Seventh session: Media, censorship and freedom of expression
Oral presentation: The Cumhuriyet trial
Oral presentation: The closure of Zaman and Özgür Gündem newspapers
Reading: The Ahmet Altan case, online: https://www.expressioninterrupted.com/ahmet-altan/ 09-04-2021 – Eighth session: Kurdish movement in Turkey
Oral presentation: Co-chairing system (eşbaşkanlık)
Reading: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. “Report on the Human Rights Situation in South-East Turkey, July 2015 to December 2016.” Report. Geneva: United Nations, February 2017. 16-04-2021 – Ninth session: Women in politics