Tematické okruhy:
Teoretická část 1. Trocha teorie interpretace neuškodí I. - Dílo jako historický pramen. Nová kritika a „smrt autora“. (3. 10.) 2. Trocha teorie interpretace neuškodí II. - Poststrukturalistické tázání „Co je autor?“. Hermeneutika a její horizonty očekávání. (10. 10.) 3. Trocha teorie interpretace neuškodí III. - Recepční teorie – místa „nedourčenosti“. Čtenářsky orientovaná literární teorie. (24. 10.)
Praktická část 4. NERUDA, Jan, Povídky malostranské. (31. 10.) 5. ČAPEK, Karel, Trapné povídky. (14. 11.) 6. PAVEL, Ota, Smrt krásných srnců. (21. 11.) 7. HRABAL, Bohumil, Perlička na dně. (28. 11.) 8. SMETANOVÁ, Jindřiška, Ustláno na růžích. (5. 12.) 9. KUNDERA, Milan, Směšné lásky. (12. 12.) 10. AŠKENAZY, Ludvík, Malá vánoční povídka. (19. 12.) 11. NOVÁK, Jan, Striptease Chicago. (2. 1.) 12. Odevzdání seminárních prací. (9. 1.)
The seminar will introduce basic approaches to the interpretation of texts. One cannot invent endless variations on the question "What did the poet mean to say?" and pretend we know. That question makes sense, but it is only one of many. The main point of the seminar, then, can be found in thinking up meaningful questions about the texts under discussion. By introducing the classic works of theorists of interpretation, we will trace the role of the author, the text and the reader in the search for the meaning of what is "communicated". We will present different and to some extent contradictory approaches that will ultimately lead us to the realization that it is not reasonable to dismiss any of the vertices of the interpretive triangle.
On the practical level of the seminar, we will learn how to discuss interpretations of works in a professional manner and how to write a scholarly text in the field of textual interpretation. We will become acquainted with important works of famous Czech short story writers. We will conclude the seminar with our own analysis of a selected Czech short story in the form of a term paper.
Theoretical level: acquaintance with the theories of the major schools of interpretation; thinking about the text from three sides (the author, the reader and the text itself); formulation of new questions searching for the "meaning of the work".
Practical level: application of different interpretative approaches in analysing the works of famous Czech short story writers; mastering the professional discussion of a work of art and writing a scientific analysis of an artistic text.