Komentované vycházky: 1. Dějiny Prahy: vznik nejstarších pražských osad, historický a urbanistický vývoj Prahy od 10. století do vzniku tzv.
Velké Prahy na počátku 20. století 2. Pražské židovské ghetto a další legendární zaniklé pražské čtvrtě (Na Františku, Podskalí, Vojtěšská čtvrť, Petrská čtvrť).
Bestia triumphans, aneb prokletí pražské asanace. 3. Pražské legendy a pověsti: uličkami Starého Města a Malé Strany 4.
Literatura, literární a umělecký život a kvas v Praze: Praha nerudovská a arbesovská, Praha proletářská a avantgardní 5. Za Prahou tajemnou: Kafka, Meyrink, Včelička, Urban, Rut, Foglar 6.
Pražské hřbitovy: Olšany a Vyšehrad 7. Výlet: Kersko a Bohumil Hrabal (sobotní výlet) 8.
Výlet: Putování Českým krasem za Sv. Ivanem (Klášter Sv.
Jana pod Skalou, geologické zajímavosti Českého krasu a okolí Koněpruských jeskyň). 9. Výlet: Speleologická výprava do štol Malé a Velké Ameriky: od Hanse Hagena ke komunistickému pracovnímu l ágru
The thematic excursion is based on guided walks around Prague and its surroundings. It combines both information and knowledge of historical (historical), as well as literary, artistic, interesting facts from the artistic and cultural life of Prague (and Prague writers). It also acquaints students with the history and urban development of Prague, with its legends and legends. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with Prague as an independent urban, cultural and historical space, as well as to connect Prague with art and literature "in the field". Saturday trips to places near Prague are also planned.
Individual walks will be arranged according to time possibilities and according to the weather. The walks will take students not only to lesser-known corners of old Prague, but we will also take a look at some old Prague bell towers, the old Prague underground and during Saturday trips we will undertake an adventurous trip to the underground galleries of America's limestone quarries with professional accompaniment.
Before each walk, students will be introduced in advance to how to prepare for the walk, which applies especially to Saturday trips.
Individual walks and trips will be accompanied by readings from selected literary works.
In case of bad weather, it is possible to arrange a free visit to various churches or exhibitions of the National Gallery.