Tématické okruhy: 1) Jaroslav Foglar - Jestřáb: podivuhodný život věčného chlapce 2) Skautské a trampské prostředí, žánr dobrodružného románu, recepce westernové literatury (westernových filmů) v české kultuře 20. a 30. let 3) Pedagogické a výchovné metody Jaroslava Foglara 4) Foglaring jako univerzální modus vivendi: fenomén čtenářských klubů (Mladý hlasatel, Vpřed, Rychlé šípy) a prolínání literární fikce do reálné skutečnosti 5) Narativ foglarovek aneb stále jedna kniha....? 6) Hoši od Bobří řeky v perspektivách archetypální mytologie (ráj, iniciace, duševní katarze, lunární symbolika, posvátno) 7) Záhada hlavolamu v perspektivách archetypální mytologie (peklo a labyrint, náboženská symbolika, motiv smrti, ritualizace)
Annotation: In the context of the 110th anniversary of the birth of the writer, educator and scout Jaroslav Foglar, a wide interdisciplinary discussion was opened, which for the first time in the history of the reception of Foglar's work attempts a thorough, critical and expert analysis of Foglar's texts. The scholars involved in the field of literary history and literary science, comparative sciences, religion and theology participated in the discussion. Although this discussion is basically at the very beginning and repaying the debt that Foglar's work of literary science (and the humanities in general) have, it is now clear that a complex, interdisciplinary view outlines both the phenomenal and multi-layered work of Foglar's texts.
This seminar is therefore devoted to the analysis of foglagos with regard to the results of Foglar's research so far and taking into account the ongoing wide-ranging discussion. The seminar will first introduce students to Foglar's life and the background of his work, and then to analyze and interpret two key Foglar novels. It will also take into account the genre of adventure literature in a more general context, as well as the phenomenon of Foglar readers' clubs, scouting literature, tramping subcultures, and foglarink education and pedagogical methods.