Summer semester Topic 1 (seminar
1) – Language resources and speaking skills, other teaching contents Topic 2 (seminar 1 and
2) - vocabulary, word formation Topic 3 (seminar
3) – Grammar Topic 4 (seminar
4) – Pronunciation Topic 5 (seminar
5) – Spelling Topic 6 (seminar
6) – Reading comprehension Topic 7 (Seminar
7) – Listening with comprehension Topic 8 (Seminar
8) – Free Speaking + Free writing Topic 9 (seminar
9) –Reality, intercultural competence + Resources and materials, textbooks, teaching media Topic 10 (seminar
10) – Testing, fixing, evaluating, working with errors The syllabus is being updated as part of the project "Support for undergraduate education of future teachers at the UK" reg. no. CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_068/0016093, implemented as part of OP VVV.
The course Didactics of German II follows on course the Didactics of German I.
The DaF didactics course is designed as one of the most important parts of vocational training for German teachers. It connects the knowledge acquired so far in the field and pedagogical-psychological with the contents of general, but above all field-specific didactic training. The main goal of the course is to prepare the student to be able to understand all aspects of teaching in the context of teaching German as a (second) foreign language in Czech secondary schools and thus be prepared for the daily teaching reality in terms of subject-didactic. At the end of the course, the student should understand the teaching process as a whole about many variables, which must be able to take into account, evaluate, reflect and adapt to them the preparation, implementation and retrospective evaluation of teaching results. The aim is also to form the student to be aware of the specifics of his future role as a teacher, to be able to continue his education even after graduation and to implement teaching according to the latest didactic knowledge. The student should view the teaching as a reflective practice. The aim of the course is also to provide students with space to translate theory into real teaching practice, both in conjunction with the course of continuous pedagogical practice, which takes place in parallel with the didactics course, and other practices, but also in the form of reflected micro-teaching blocks, preparation of various types of tests and discussions. over the possibilities of their evaluation and overall evaluation.
All the above-mentioned acquired knowledge and skills are also reflected in the professional portfolio of the student, to the continuous development of which he is guided throughout his studies. The portfolio is designed so that the student stores in it during his studies everything related to his education and preparation for future professions. It thus enables the reflection of one's own professional progress and at the same time enables the access of other participants in teaching and the provision of feedback. The portfolio in the form in which it is created also serves as a basis for the professional development of each student for evaluation at the final state examination.
In the summer semester, the course focuses on the development of competences enabling a didactically appropriate grasp of the basic components of German teaching with special attention to individual language resources and speech skills. The course thus prepares students for the future career path of a teacher in very specific outlines