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Přednáška emeritní profesora Olivera Taplina seznámí studenty s problematikou antického dramatu/divadla. První z bloků se bude věnovat 3. dubna 2019: přednáška “The Significance of the Mask for the invention of Greek Tragedy”.

Anotace: Why was the mask so emblematic of tragedy in ancient Greece? This lecture will propose that tragedy was a new invention in the years shortly before 500 BC, and that the tragic mask was invented together with it. The physical embodiment of narrative was unprecedented and required the players, both actors and chorus, to

“become” their roles. It was the mask which liberated them to enact the wide variety or identities and acts called for by the plays. 4. dubna 2019, : přednáška “On translating Greek Tragedy into verse in English”.

Anotace: Every translator has priorities, innumerable choices of wording and form. In my translations I have paid particular attention to theatrical pace and verbal colour rather than literalness, and to finding metrical equivalents of the divisions of the Greek into spoken iambics and sung lyrics. I shall illustrate this by looking at one passage of speech and one of song from a chosen tragedy. I shall specify the lines in advance so that the participants can look at them in advance if they wish.