Visual Literacy: Understanding Images across Europe. Past and Present
ZS a LS 2021/2022
Kód: ADU100514
Přednášející: doc. PhDr. Marie Rakušanová, Ph.D., Karolina Mroziewicz, PhD (University of Warsaw, project coordinator), Davide Colombo, PhD (University of Milan), Kamila Dworniczak, PhD (University of Warsaw), Vendula Fremlová, PhD (PedF, Charles University), Pavla Gajdošíková, PhD (PedF, Charles University), Zuzanna Sarnecka, PhD (University of Warsaw), Joanna Smalcerz, PhD (University of Warsaw), prof. Giorgio Zanchetti, PhD (University of Milan)
Výukový jazyk: angličtina
Čas: Čtvrtek 17:30–19:00, On-line
Podmínky absolvování: Final performance grade will be based on: Self-evaluation document submitted after the first semester; Portfolio (i.e., the documentation of the progress of the group work); Scientific-artistic project.
Anotace: Between October 2021 and June 2022 the Institute of Art History of the University of Warsaw together with the Charles University in Prague and the University of Milan will implement – as part of the 4EU + Alliance – the one-year educational module “Visual Literacy: Understanding Images across Europe – Past and Present”.
The module consists of an online conversatory class, an online tutorial and three in-person two-day workshops, which will be held in Milan (Winter 2021), Prague (Spring 2022) and Warsaw (Summer 2022). The costs of participation in the workshops will be financed from the project budget.
Students can choose between six tutoring programs:
• Multiplied Images: Artistic Practices in the Twentieth Century. The aim of this tutorial, led by prof. Giorgio Zanchetti and Davide Colombo, PhD, is to analyse different artistic practices in the twentieth century, which were based on appropriation, collage, photomontage, found footage and re-enactment. Heterogeneous and non-artistic images will be examined along with visual sources. The contamination of low and high models, as well as the circulation of contemporary art and artists’ iconic images in media and popular culture will also be addressed.
• Visual literacy: Between Educational, Artistic and Curatorial Approaches. This is a tutorial conducted by Vendula Fremlová, PhD and Pavla Gajdošíková, PhD, which will be focused on contemporary art, art education and curating as a form of dialogue and as a way of broadening critical thinking. The students will be researching the contemporary art field and analysing its tendencies, topics or “turns”. On this basis the students will try to develop their own curatorial project together with educational activities (art mediation). The students will be encouraged to their own artistic attempts to understand the attitude of an artist as well.
• Photography as a Tool for Thought is the title of the tutorial by Kamila Dworniczak, PhD, devoted to various photography practices in art history and outside art history. Students will be working simultaneously on making images and observing different aspects of seeing, image-making and understanding of images. The tutor will create a visual narrative about one selected image with the students.