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Archaeology of Sudan

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The course provides an insight into the archaeology and material culture of the Sudan. The geographical scope of the lectures goes beyond the territory of Lower and Upper Nubia, traditionally connected with the archaeology and history of Egypt, and covers the vast territory of the Middle and Upper Nile and regions extending to the east and west of the Nile Valley. The course will begin with two introductory lectures on the geographical and ecological characteristics of the whole region, an overview of the history of research and main milestones in the archaeology of the Sudan, related with changes of paradigms in archaeological theory and practice and with the changing political, social, and economic society of the country, and a presentation of primary sources and essential topics of

Sudanese archaeology. These will be subsequently developed in more detail in specialised lectures devoted to the developments and transformations of modes of settlement, burial, and material culture in individual parts of the Sudan from the terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene to the period of the Funj sultanate with an extension to the present.


Adams, W. Y., Nubia: Corridor to Africa. Allen Lane 1984.

Edwards, D. N., The Nubian Past: An Archaeology of the Sudan. London and New York 2004.

Elzein, I. S., Islamic Archaeology in the Sudan. Oxford 2004.