This course is dedicated to reading Middle Egyptian texts, analyzing their grammar, and practicing translation skills. Upon completion of this course, students will have deepened their linguistic knowledge of Middle Egyptian and familiarized themselves with tools and methods to undertake research on primary textual sources in Middle
Grading system: Credit (pass/fail) based on class participation and preparation of the set texts in advance of each class.
Class format and schedule: The course meets once a week (90 minutes per class).
Set texts.
Hatshepsut’s Speos Artemidos inscription.
-Hieroglyphic text, translation, and commentary: Allen, J. P. (2002) ‘The Speos Artemidos Inscription of
Hatshepsut’, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 16, pp. 1-7, pls. 1-2. (for the Hyksos, read lines 34-40);
Goedicke, H. (2004) The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut and Related Discussions, Oakville: Halgo.
Hatshepsut’s Punt inscription.
Hieroglyphic text: De Buck, Egyptian Reading Book, pp. 48-53; Urkunden IV, 341-347.
Annals of Tuthmosis III: the battle of Megiddo (Urk. IV, 645-667)
Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III (Urk. IV, 610-619)
Inscription from the Botanical Garden of Tuthmosis III at Karnak. (Urk. IV, 775-777)
Tomb biography of Amenemhab (TT 85) (Urk. IV, 889-897)
Reception of foreign tribute in the tomb of Rekhmire (TT 100) (Urk. IV, 1093-1103)
Semna Stela of the Nubian viceroy Usersatet (Urk. IV, 1343-1344)
Inscriptions of Tuthmosis IV: Sphinx stela ( “Dream stela”), Lateran Obelisk, chariot from KV 43
-Hieroglyphic text: Urkunden IV, 1539-1544, 1548-1552, 1559-1560.
Restoration stela of Tutankhamun (Urk. IV, 2025-2032)
-Hieroglyphic text: Urkunden IV, 2025-2032.