LS 2021
Doc. PhDr. Filip Coppens, Ph.D. (
Mgr. Dana Bělohoubková (
Type of attestation: credit (zápočet)
Language of instruction: English
CONDITIONS FOR ACQUIRING THE CREDIT: 1. The credit can only be assigned after students have successfully passed the exam “Jazyk regionu I:
Novoegyptština” (AEA500002; Mgr. R. Landgráfová, Ph.D.) or have successfully passed a similar exam of Late
Egyptian grammar at another university. 2. Students are expected to prepare assigned texts (transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis) and actively participate during the course. 3. Students are expected to attend a minimum of nine sessions. In case that a student misses more sessions the credit can still be obtained by fulfilling individual assignments, equivalent to the number of classes missed.
COURSE SUMMARY :The course will focus on the study (transliteration, translation and detailed grammatical analysis) of different types of Late Egyptian texts. The information provided by the texts will also be placed in its historical, topographical, archaeological and social context.
The course will include (passages of) the following texts:
* Letters and texts from Deir el Medina
* The Report of Wenamun (Papyrus Pushkin 120)
* Landgráfová, R., Novoegyptština (skripta), Prague: ČEgÚ 2009.
* Junge, F., Neuägyptisch. Einführung in die Grammatik3, Wiesbaden 2008 (English translation: D. Warburton,
Late Egyptian Grammar. An Introduction, Oxford 2005).
* Černý, J. – Israelit Groll, S., A Late Egyptian Grammar3, Rome 1984.
* Erman, A., Neuaegyptische Grammatik2 , Leipzig 1933.
* Neveu, F., La Langue des Ramsès. Grammaire du Néo-Égyptien, Paris 2006.
* Erman, A. – Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der Ägyptisschen Sprache, Leipzig 1926-1931.
* Hannig, R., Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch-Deutsch, Mainz 1995.
* Lesko, L H., A Dictionary of Late Egyptian, Berkeley 1982-1989.
* Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae,
Semester specific literature
* Černý, J. A Community of Workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period, Cairo 1973. [H 838].
* Donker van Heel, K. Mrs. Naunakhte & Family: The Women of Ramesside Deir Al-Medina, Cairo 2016. [H 1382]
* Gabler, K. Who’s who around Deir el-Medina. Untersuchungen zur Organisation, Prosopographie und
Entwicklung des Versorgungspersonals für die Arbeitersiedlung und das Tal der Könige [Egyptologische Uitgaven
XXXI], Leuven 2018. [P300/31]
* A. Gardiner, Late-Egyptian Stories, Bruxelles 1932, 1981, 61–76.
* H. Goedicke, The Report of Wenamun, Baltimore 1975.
* W. Golénischeff, Papyrus hiératique de la Collection W. Golénischeff, contant la description du voyage en
Phénicie, Paris 1899, 74–102.
* M. A. Korostowzew, Die Reise des Wenamun nach Byblos, 1960.
* G. Moers, „Die Reiseerzählung des Wenamun “, in O. Kaiser (ed.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments
(TUAT 3): Weisheitstexte, Mythen und Epen. Lieferung 5. Mythen und Epen, Gütersloh 1995, 912–921.
* B. U. Schipper, Die Erzählung des Wenamun – Ein Literaturwerk im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Geschichte und
Religion, OBO 209, Freiburg 2005.
* J. Winand, “The Report of Wenamun. A journey in ancient Egyptian Literature”, in M. Collier – S. Snape (eds.),
Ramesside Studies in honour of K. A. Kitchen, Bolton 2011, 541–559.