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New Kingdom History Seminar

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Seminář k dějinám má za cíl prohloubit znalost o tomto období a bude veden v jazyce anglickém. Semináři předchází konzultace a příprava referátů.

New Kingdom is a complex period in ancient Egyptian history that covers almost 500 years. Its political, social and cultural history also commands a number of problems as well as sorces that the seminar will address. Classes consists of an overall outline of history, including but not limited to frequently addresses problems (kingship, legitimation, court, foreign policy, economic gluctuations, power holders outside kingship, etc.), followed by further analysis of written and material culture of the period. Students are encouraged to exercise and develop their knowledge of a general history survey and to address blind spots in current research or in identification of relevant material or methodology.

The seminar will also complement previous classes on Egyptian history.