* Course Plan and Suggested Literature 16.10. Visual Anthropology: From Objects to Methods + Screening
MacDougall, D. 1997. The visual in anthropology. In M. Banks & H. Morphy (Eds.), Rethinking Visual Anthropology (pp. 276-295). New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
Rouch, J. 2003. Ciné-Ethnography (edited and translated by Steven Feld). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Ruby, J. 2005. The Last 20 Years of Visual Anthropology - A Critical Review. Visual Studies 20(2): 159-170.
Ginsburg, F. 1998. Institutionalizing the Unruly: Charting a Future for Visual Anthropology, Ethnos 63(2): 173-201.
Morton, C. 2009. Fieldwork and the Participant-Photographer: E.E. Evans-Pritchard and the Nuer Rite of gorot. Visual Anthropology 22: 252-274.
Collier, J. & Collier, M. 1990. Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Mead, Margaret. 2003 [1975]. ‘Visual Anthropology in a Discipline of Words’, in Paul Hockings (ed.) Principles of Visual Anthropology, p.3-10. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter (third edition).
Hockings, P. 2012. Visual Anthropology as a Discipline of Words. The Newsletter, 61: 32-33.
Grimshaw, A. 2001. The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University press. 18.10. Museums and Visual Anthropology + Screening
Kuldova, T. 2014. Fashion Exhibition as a Critique of Contemporary Museum Exhibitions: The Case of ‘Fashion India: Spectacular Capitalism’. Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty 5(2):313-336.
Bouquet, M. 2012. Museums: A Visual Anthropology. London: Berg.
Corbey, R. 1993. ‘Ethnographic Showcases, 1870-1930’, Cultural Anthropology 8(3):338-369.
Haraway, D. 1984. ‘Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908-1936 ’ Social Text, 11: 20-64.
Di Stefano, E (2012) ‘From Shopping Malls to Memory Museums: Reconciling the Recent Past in the Uruguayan Neoliberal State’ Dissidences 4(8): article 8. 20.10. Visual Anthropology of Fashion and Design
Kuldova, T. 2016. Luxury Indian Fashion: A Social Critique. London: Bloomsbury.
Barthes, R. 2013. The Language of Fashion. London: Bloomsbury. 23.10. Photography, Film and Countercultures + Screening
Kuldova, T. 2017 (forthcoming). The Sublime Splendour of Intimidation: On the Outlaw Biker Aesthetics of Power. Visual Anthropology.
Berger, J. 1968.Che Guevara Dead. Aperture 13(4): 36-38.
Barthes, R. 1981. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, transl. R. Howard. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Sontag, S. (1973) 2005. On Photography. New York: RosettaBooks. 25.10. 2017 Advertising, Branding and the Anthropologist in the Neoliberal Jungle + Screening
Malefyt, T. & Moeran, B. (eds.) 2003. Advertising Cultures. London: Berg.
Kuldova, T. 2016. Directing Passions in New Delhi’s World of Fashion: On the Power of Ritual and ‘Illusions without Owners’. Thesis Eleven, 133(1):96-113.
Mitchell, W. J. T. 1996. What do Pictures Really Want? October, 77: 71-82. 27.10. Visual Methods in the Field: From Documentation to Representation
Ruby, J. 1991. Speaking For, Speaking About, Speaking With, or Speaking Alongside - An Anthropological and Documentary Dilemma. Visual Anthropology Review 7(2): 50-67.
MacDougall, D. 1978. Ethnographic Film: Failure and Promise. Annual Review of Anthropology, 7: 405-425.
Collier, J. 1957. Photography in Anthropology: A Report on Two Experiments. American Anthropologist, 59: 843-859.
Jacknis, I. 1988. Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson in Bali: Their Use of Photography and Film. Cultural Anthropology, 3(2): 160-177.
Pink, S. (ed.) 2012. Advances in Visual Methodology. London: SAGE.
Pink, S. 2007. Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representaion in Research. London: SAGE.
Examination: Students will be expected to deliver a photo essay (min. 10 images) or video essay (min. 5 mins) focusing on a subject matter of own choice, accompanied by a text combining theoretical and empirical insights in equal proportion and of the length of 3000-4000 words, using the author-date Chicago Manual of Style referencing http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html Students are encouraged to use actively the course literature, however, are free to also use any other sources they see fit. All material should be sent to: tereza.kuldova@iakh.uio.no by November 30, 2017.