1. Zkoumání řečové produkce: dýchání, činnost hlasivek, artikulace orgánů v ústní dutině, nazální artikulace.
2. Funkční zobrazování činnosti mozku (se zaměřením na úkoly řečové a sluchové povahy).
3. Percepční testy ve fonetice.
4. Způsoby záznamu a reprodukce řeči.
1. Investigating speech production: breathing, the activity of the vocal folds, oral and nasal articulation.
2. Functional imaging of the brain's activity.
3. Perception tests in phonetics.
4. Recording and reproducing sound.
1. Investigating speech production: breathing, the activity of the vocal folds, oral and nasal articulation.
2. Functional imaging of the brain's activity.
3. Perception tests in phonetics.
4. Recording and reproducing sound.
The aim of the course is to introduce methods used in phonetic research, with greatest emphasis placed on methods which examine speech articulation. The theoretical part is supported by practical exercises which focus on basic processing and visualization of phonetic data, and also on individual testing of available articulatory methods.