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What is a person? Stein asks Aquinas and Scotus

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MA Module

Thursday, 14:10-15:45 P225 e-mail us for consultation or questions:,

What is a person? From Antiquity to Modern Ages, philosophers have built such complex notion around concepts like those of substance, individual and rational being. In this course the same question will be studied in the answer provided by the phenomenologist Edith Stein (1891-1942), with a particular attention to the way she combines Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus with the ontological and phenomenological resources developed by Husserl and by the early phenomenological tradition.


The course has a double aim. On the one hand, it wants to regard the philosophical work of Edith Stein as the point of intersection of two seemingly different traditions: the Medieval one and the early phenomenology. On the other hand, it will also show that Stein reconnects to certain Medieval motifs precisely in order to take distance from Husserl’s idealism.


Thomas Aquinas

Selection of texts from the De Veritate (qq. 4-6) and Summa theologiae

Latin text of the De Veritate: Sancti Thomae de Aquino Opera omnia iussu Leonis XIII P. M. Edita, Romae, 1889-, vol. 22, 2.1. (UFAR library and accessible online:

English text of the De Veritate:

Latin text of the Summa: Sancti Thomae de Aquino Opera omnia iussu Leonis XIII P. M. Edita, Romae, 1889-, vols. V and 13. Both are accessible at the UFAR library as well as online:

English Translation of the Summa by Alfred Freddoso available online:

John Duns Scotus

Selection of distinctions from the Ordinatio (vol. III of J.D.S, Opera Omnia, Typis Polygl. Vaticanis, Civitas Vaticanas 1950-. UFAR library)

English Translation: Being and Cognition, Ordinatio I.3, tr. by J. Van der Bercken, Fordham University Press 2016 (UFAR, Moodle)

Selection from Ord. I.2, teacher’s translation

Edith Stein

Gesamtausgabe: the German edition of her work is available on-line for free on the website of the Edith Stein-Archive:

English translations:

Life in a Jewish Family: Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account, ICS Publications 1986

On the Problem of Empathy, ICS Publications 1989

Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities, ICS Publications 2000

An Investigation Concerning the State, ICS Publications 2006

Potency and Act, Studies Toward a Philosophy of Being, ICS Publications 2009

Finite and Eternal Being, ICS Publications 2002

Secondary Literature (a selection: more on Moodle)

R. Pasnau-Ch. Shields, The philosophy of Aquinas. Oxford University Press, 2016.

R. Pasnau, Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: A Philosophical Study of Summa Theologiae Ia 75-89. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

T. Cory, Aquinas on Self-Knowledge. Cambridge University Press 2013 (UFAR library)

A. Lolordo. Person: a History. Oxford Philosophical Concepts 2019 (UFAR library)

D. Perler, Ein Person Sein. Vittorio Klostermann 2019 (UFAR library)


Students will be evaluated upon the following parameters: 1) Regular attendance (whether in person or online) and in-class active participation (regular reading of the texts discussed) 2) Final oral exam (more info to be provided in due time) or in-class presentation (topic and modality to be discussed with the teachers).

Break-down of the course

Week 1: Introduction to the concept of person in medieval philosophy

Week 2: Who’s Who: Edith Stein in context

Weeks 3-4: Thomas Aquinas on personhood and cognition

Weeks 5-6: Edith Stein on personhood and intentionality

Weeks 7-8: John Duns Scotus on individuals and individuum

Weeks 9-10: Edith Stein on the core of the person

Week 11: recapitulation

Week 12: to be determined