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Classical Contemporary Articles

Class at Faculty of Arts |


This is a very basic, ancillary course which aims at reading and discussing philosophical articles that are deemed important in various areas of contemporary philosophy. The topics of the articles are not necessarily related. In the upcoming summer semester we will read and discuss the following articles:

Frege, Gottlob, “On Sense and Reference” in: Translation from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, P.

Geach, M. Black (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell 1960, pp. 56-78.

Russell, Bertrand, "On Denoting," in: Mind, New Series, Vol. 14, No. 56. (Oct. 1905), pp. 479–493.

Grice, Paul, “Meaning” in: The Philosophical Review, Vol. 66, No. 3 (Jul., 1957), pp. 377-388.

Block, Ned, “Concepts of Consciousness” in: Philosophy of Mind, Classical and Contemporary Readings, D.

Chalmers (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 206-218.

Nagel, Thomas, “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” in: Philosophy of Mind, Classical and Contemporary Readings, D.

Chalmers (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 219-225.

Jackson, Frank, “Epiphenomenal Qualia” in: Philosophy of Mind, Classical and Contemporary Readings, D.

Chalmers (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 219-225.

Students will get credits for attending the class (three absences tolerated), reading the texts in the class, having a short presentation in the class on a problem connected with the texts we are going to read, and writing a short paper (3-4 “Word” pages, 1,5 line spacing) on a selected text of their own choice which is at least loosely related to the topics we are going to discuss. The final grades will be given based on a final discussion of your paper with me.

The articles we are going to read and other related materials can be found in the Charles university moodle folder here: