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Augustine on Free Will. From the De libero arbitrio to the Retractationes

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Augustine on free will: the De libero arbitrio

The reading of Augustine’s dialogue De libero arbitrio will provide us with the base for a reflexion upon this central theme in the philosopher’s thought. The text will be read entirely and discussed during the course. Although we are going to read the dialogue in the latest English translation by Peter King, we will look at the Latin text. The (modern) editions of the DLA are:

PL 32, c. 1221-1310 (repr. of the text edited by the Maurists in Paris, 1689)

W. M. Green (ed.), De libero arbitrio libri tres, CSEL 74 (1956)

- De libero arbitrio libri tres, CCL 29 (Turnhout 1970), 205-321


(French, with abundant notes) G. Madec (ed.), Œuvres de saint Augustin, première série. Opuscules, dialogues philosophiques. De magistro, De libero arbitrio, BA 6 (Paris 1976)

(Italian, with commentary and notes, almost a study) F. De Capitani, Il ‘De libero arbitrio’ di S. Agostino. Studio introduttivo, testo, traduzione e commento (Milan 1987; 2nd ed. 1994)

(German) J. Brachtendorf (ed.), De libero arbitrio. Der freie Wille, Augustinus Opera-Werke 9 (Paderborn 2006)

(Italian, annotated) G. Catapano (ed.), Il libero arbitrio, in Aurelio Agostino, Tutti i dialoghi (Milan 2006) 871–1217

P. King (ed.), Augustine. On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings (Cambridge 2010), 3–126

Secondary literature

There is, up to the present day, no extensive commentary on Augustine’s DLA. As a work instrument and a guide, see:

S. Harrison, Augustine’s Way into the Will. The Theological and Philosophical Significance of ‘De libero arbitrio’ (Oxford 2006)

For a synthesis (very complete), comprehensive of bibliography:

G. Catapano, “De libero arbitrio”, in K. Pollmann (ed.) The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, vol. 1 (Oxford 2013) 328-333

For a (broad and a broader) historical perspective:

H. A. Oberman and F. A. James III (eds), Via Augustini. Augustine in the Later Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation (Leiden 1991)

E. L. Saak, High Way to Heaven. The Augustinian Platform between Reform and Reformation, 1292–1524 (Leiden 2002)

Modality of Exam and Structure of the Course: Active participation is strongly required. We will read together the text and comment on it. At the end of the course, students might give a short presentation (max. 20'). A short oral exam will follow.