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What is a person? Aquinas' Treatise on human being

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Introduction: What is a human being? What is a person?   

Module I: Soul as substance  

Module II: The powers of the soul  

Module III: Cognition as experience  

Module IV: Challenging I. Comparisons and difficulties

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What is a human person? What are her distinctive features, and what are not? Thinking and, more generally, what pertains to the sphere of intellection is usually considered as the distinctive mark of humanity. But what about the body? Are human beings determined by their material bodies and features or not? Revolving around the most famous definition of the human soul as the “form of the body”, in this course we will target the make-up of a human being (and of a human person) in the tract that Thomas Aquinas devotes to human nature in the Sum of Theology.