Day 1: Friday, 29 November 13:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks 14:00 Panel 1: (Post)socialist Television
Chair: Petra Hanáková (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Irena Reifová (Charles University, Czech Republic)Limiting the Producer’s Intentions: How Audiences Understood the Political Meanings of Czechoslovak Television Serials during Normalization
Jakub Korda (Palacký University, Czech Republic)The Television Title Sequence as a Tool for the Articulation of Authorship
Sabina Mihelj (Loughborough University, UK)The Working-Class as the Author: Participation, Authority, and Control in Socialist Yugoslavia
Dana Mustata (University of Groningen, Netherlands)Transnational Labour and Programme-Making in Early Romanian Television
Kateryna Khinkulova (Birkbeck College, UK)Authors of Change: Building Up Television’s Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine against the Backdrop of Russian Presence
Respondent: Petr Szczepanik (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) 16:30 Keynote 1
Chair:Michael N. Goddard (University of Salford, UK)
András Bálint Kovács (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary) Shot Scale Distribution and Authorship
Coffee Break 18:15 Panel 2: Radical Authorship
Chair: Irena Reifová (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Petra Hanáková (Charles University, Czech Republic)Female Authorship and the Feminist Aesthetic in Central European Cinema
Michael N. Goddard (University of Salford, UK)Transgressive Film Authorship across National Borders: The Case of Andrzej Żuławski
Balázs Varga (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary):Auteurs as Brands: Béla Tarr, his Films, the Critics, and the Audiences
Respondent: Sabina Mihelj (Loughborough University, UK) 20:30 Joint Dinner and Drinks
Day 2: Saturday, 30 November 09:30 Keynote 2
Chair:Veronika Klusáková (Palacký University, Czech Republic)
Ian Christie (Birkbeck College, UK) "The Past Is a Foreign Country?": (Re)creating Vanished Worlds in European Production Design
Coffee Break 11:15 Panel 3: Cultural Movements and the Politics of (Trans)nationality
Chair: Marcin Adamczak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
Francesco Pitassio (Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy)"I Didnʼt Do It!": Authorship, Realism, and Socialism - Italian Neorealism Goes East
Francesco di Chiara (University of Ferrara, Italy)Masters and Rogues: Issues of Authorship in Italian and Yugoslav Film Co-Productions of the 1970s
Constantin Parvulescu (West University of Timisoara, Romania)The Question of Authorship in Socialist-Realist Film
Olof Hedling (Lund University, Sweden)An Authoring Discourse of Sorts: Effects of Public Film Support on a National Cinema
Respondent: Sergei Kapterev (Institute of Cinema Art in Moscow, Russia) 13:15 Lunch 14:45 Panel 4: Group and Institutionalized Authorship
Chair:Francesco Pitassio (Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy)
Sergei Kapterev (Institute of Cinema Art in Moscow, Russia)The Film Career of Mikhail Kalatozov as a Symbiosis of Auteurist Aspirations and Soviet "Corporate" Knowledge
Maria Belodubrovskaya (Wisconsin University, Madison, USA)Plotlessness: Lessons in Soviet Screenwriting
Gabrielle Chomentowski (Sciences Po Paris, France)The Individual against the Collective in the Soviet Cinema Industry: Theory against Practice
Petr Szczepanik (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)Film Units as (Sub)producers: Possibilities of a "House Style" in the State-socialist Mode of Production
Respondent: Constantin Parvulescu (West University of Timisoara, Romania)
Coffee Break 17:00 Keynote 3
Chair: Petr Szczepanik (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Dina Iordanova (University of St. Andrews, UK) Oscars® Little Brothers: Europe and the Politics of Invisibility 19:00 Panel Discussion: Challenges of and opportunities for collaborative research on East and Central European media industries
Chair: Dana Mustata (University of Groningen, Netherlands) 21:00 Reception
Day 3: Sunday, 1 December 09:30 Panel 5: Trapped in History: Production and Reading of Authorial Style
Chair: Lucie Česálková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Radomír Kokeš (Masaryk University, Czech Republic):Karel Lamač et al: The Classical Style as a Minor Tendency in the Czech Silent Cinema?
Marcin Adamczak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland):Surfing on Circumstances: An Author in Socialist State Cinema - The Case of Andrzej Wajda’s Movies in the 1950s
Milan Hain (Palacký University, Czech Republic)Exiled in Hollywood: Hugo Haas and his Independent Production Company
Grażyna Świętochowska (University of Gdańsk, Poland)Into the Machine of the Market: The Way the DVD Covers Speak
Respondent: Miroslaw Przylipiak (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
Coffee Break 11:15 Panel 6: Political History, Authorship, and Nonfiction
Chair: Balázs Varga (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
Miroslaw Przylipiak (University of Gdańsk, Poland)The Nature of Authorship in Documentary Cinema
Mária Ferenčuhová (Academy of Performing Arts, Slovakia)The Authors Normalized: Slovak Short Documentaries, 1970-73
Lucie Česálková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic):"No Maps, No Lyrics - I am the Director of this Movie": Short Film, Contracts, and Negotiation
Respondent:Francesco Pitassio (Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy) 12:45 Lunch 14:15 Industry Panel: Producers’ Authorship
Chair: Petr Bilík (Palacký University, Czech Republic)
INDUSTRIAL AUTHORSHIP 29 November - 1 December 2013, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
The Third Annual Screen Industries in East-Central Europe Conference (SIECE) investigates historical and contemporary dimensions of the region’s audiovisual media industries from all angles - local, transnational, economic, cultural, social, and political - and through a broad range of original scholarship delivered in the form of conceptual papers and empirical case-studies.
Conference venues: Palacký University, Centre of Arts, Univerzitn í 3, Olomouc.
Conference attendance is free of charge, and the official language is English.
Sponsored by "The Partnership Network of Universities and Film Industry" (FIND), a project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) via the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports - The Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP) in collaboration with the Czech Society of Film Studies, Palacký University, and Masaryk University
The Third Annual Screen Industries in East-Central Europe Conference (SIECE) will focus on the broadly defined subject of industrial authorship. In recent times, the concept of the author has become somewhat marginalized in screen studies discourse. Yet, John Caughie has suggested that this figure looms large "everywhere else - in publicity, in journalistic reviews, in television programmes, in film retrospectives, in the marketing of cinema". Caughie goes on to explain that "Sometime around the point at which Film Studies began to be embarrassed by its affiliation to the author, the film industry and its subsidiaries began to discover with renewed enthusiasm the value of authorial branding for both marketing and reputation". The prominent position that authorship occupies across the region’s audiovisual cultures demands investigation in broader, revisionist terms that offload the Romantic notion of the autonomous Auteur in favor of approaches that confront its collectivity and institutional dimensions, and that respect authorship as a phenomenon that can be subject to acts of branding, contestation, appropriation, repurposing, remixing, and so on . As Derek Johnson and Jonathan Gray recently put it: "The author is a node through which discourses of beauty, truth, meaning, and value must travel, while also being a node through which money, power, labor, and the control of culture must travel, and while frequently serving as the mediating figure standing between large organizations (such as Lucasfilm or Fox) and the audience". Building from such a position, the 2013 SIECE Conference will broach questions about the industrial dimensions of authorship, considering how it has become part of the cultural, political, and economic fabric of East-Central Europe.
Further information (incl. Conference Program) will be updated soon.