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PVP 2 - Transnational history: objects, concepts and methods

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Programme for winter semester 2015/2016 (4 sessions on Wednesdays 17-19.50, Rytířská 201):

October 21 - Dr. Ondrej Matejka (FSV UK): Introduction to the course, explication of requirements; prof. Joelle Droux (Université de Genève): Introduction to the study of transnational history.

December 2 - Dr. Michel Christian (Université de Genève): East-West exchanges during the Cold War: the story of UNCTAD

December 16 - Dr. Damiano Matasci (Université de Genève): Transnational history of policies of education

January 20 - Dr. Hazuki Tate (Université de Genève): Transnational history of humanitarian action in post-WW1 Europe

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The research on European contemporary history in a transnational perspective is one of the most dynamic research spheres in historiography in a global perspective. The history department of the Geneva University hosts some of the most renown specialists in the field of transnational history.

This course will allow them to share their expertise with MA and PhD students of Charles University. They will focus on various conceptual and methodological tools of transnational historiography (network analysis, study of transfers, circulations etc.) which they apply in their fields of interest (namely international organizations such as UNESCO, ILO, LN etc.).

The course will combine lectures with seminars during which texts proposed by Swiss lectures will be discussed.

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