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PVP 3 - From a backward empire to global expansion. Paradoxes of modernization of China in the 20th century. Probe to compare with Russian development.

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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From a backward empire to global expansion. Paradoxes of modernization of China in the 20th century. Probe to compare with Russian development.

Paradoxes, backwardness and deep cultural traditions of "one China with one culture" accompanied the development of "Under heaven empire" throughout the 20th century.

The country with its potential was characterized in particular by the asynchronous development in comparison with the Western world. Traditional foreign policy of dominance without hegemony also plays a role here, although we have seen gradual changes in the attitude of continental China towards the world over the past decade.

Transformation and economic reforms from the establishment of the Republic of China (1911) to the present-day Communist China have been marked by voluntarism, and in recent decades by a remarkable economic upswing. In this respect, it is necessary to provide basic features of comparison with the reforms of the former Soviet Union, including a look at the development of Sino - Russian relations in the last century.