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Syllabus: session,  10.4. 


(getting to know each other, plan for the semester, requirements for attestation) session, 10.11., Introductory theoretical readings

Raymond Williams (1977): Dominant, Residual, Emergent. In: Marxism and Literature. Oxford University Press, 121–127.

Raymond Williams (1961): The Analysis of Culture. In: The Long Revolution. Penguin Books, 57–70.


Raymond Williams (1977): Culture. In: Marxism and Literature. Penguin Books, 11–20.

Raymond Williams (1977): Hegemony. In: Marxism and Literature. Penguin Books, 108–114. session, 10.18., On the economical, political and cultural context of Central Eastern Europe

Larry Wolff (1994): How Eastern Europe was Invented. Stanford University Press, 1–16. session, 10. 25., On 1968

Slavoj Žižek (2018): Provocations: The 1968 Revolution and Our Own. In: World Policy Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, Summer 2018, 124–129. session, 11. 1., On 1968

Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wal

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The course aims to show some approaches to culture in which culture is something that is permanently changing in time and space, dynamic, heterogeneous and often contradictory. We’ll talk about what constitutes culture, how the market affects it, what can be the role of the (semi-peripheral) state when it comes to it, the institutional background of it, how individuals and communities produce everyday cultural practices, and all the various relationships between these aforementioned agents. Moreover, the course has a particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), therefore we’ll pay special attention to the specific local economic, political and historical background.

The class will be held in person (at least until the laws concerning the Covid-situation in the Czech Republic and the university will allow it).