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Indigenous Peoples in Latin America

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1. Introduction A brief overview of actual situation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America providing basic data on Indigenous Population, their groups and languages (by country). What does it mean to be “indigenous” or “Indian”?

2. Situation before the Conquest Short insight into preconquest situation, Indigenous empires, their organization and culture.

3. Conquest and Different Approaches to the Colonization It will explore the ways of Conquest, colonial violence as well as indigenous resistance to the colonialism emphasizing Indigenous sources.

4. Colonization and Melting-Pot (Mestizaje) It will examine the impact of Christianity, mestizaje, and colonial organization and politics.

5. Independence, Indigenism It will study the period after gaining the independence, the impact on Indigenous Peoples and their role in the process of nation-building. The session will discuss the Indigenism as ethnic politics in different Latin-American states.

6. Oral Tradition Examples of different indigenous oral traditions. We will discuss the oral tradition as a historical source with its pros and cons.

7. Indigenous Cosmovision and Philosophy The session explores Indigenous Cosmovision and Philosophy in order to better understand their socio-cultural diversity.

8. Indigenous Rituals Ceremonial world of today’s Indigenous Peoples, its importance and impact on their daily life.

9. Anthropological Research - In Theory and Practice The session will show theoretical approaches to anthropological research, as well as how it may or may not work in practice.

10. Indigenous Revitalization Movements It will provide a framework for understanding the emergence of Indigenous Revitalization Movements in Latin America, its goals and repercussion on cultural, social, spiritual and political levels.

11. Current Situation It will discuss current situation of Indigenous Peoples focusing on major problems they are struggling with (poverty, health problems, education, discrimination, etc.).

12. Indigenous Peoples and Globalization It will study how the process of globalization has changed the way of life, traditions of Indigenous Peoples. The session will delve into discussion of its advantages and disadvantages.

13. Indigenous Peoples and Environment Indigenous Peoples as ‘Earth Guardians’ and sustainable development. Environmental problems they are facing and struggling with.

14. Indigenous Peoples and Cooperation, Indigenous Rights Issues Local, national and international projects on Indigenous cooperation and partnership. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; achievements and continuing challenges; human rights violations.


The course will briefly trace the history of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America from the pre-Columbian past to present days. The first sessions will provide an introduction to Indigenous Peoples in Latin America, their origins, but also examine what lies behind the label ‘being indigenous’ during different periods.

It will focus on basic cultural concepts of Indigenous Peoples, their oral tradition and rituals that will lead us to the theory and practice of anthropological research. Final sessions will be dedicated to major current issues, such as globalization, environment and sustainable development, cooperation, human rights, etc.