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History of Spain in the 20th Century (4 credits)

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Week 1: Introduction of the course, presentation of the outline and discussing final evaluation, choosing the topics of students´ essays

Week 2: Spain at the beginning of the 20th century. From monarchy to anarchy

Week 3: „Surgeon of Iron“. Spain under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930)

Week 4: The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936/39)

Week 5: Vae victis: The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and its international consequences

Week 6: Monarchy without a King. The first Francoism (1939-1959)

Week 7: “Spain is different”. The second Francoism (1959-1975)

Week 8: Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and the Spanish Republican exile

Week 9: Spain´s transition to democracy (1975-1982)

Week 10: Socialists in Power: The PSOE years (1982-1996)

Week 11: Introduction to Historiography of Spain in the 20th century

Week 12: Czechoslovak-Spanish Relations in the 20th century

Week 13: Summary, examination (written test)


This course will be composed of lectures and class discussions based on the material that will be assigned for each class, available at the beginning of the semester in Moodle.

This course will be carried out online, through Zoom.

Weekly, Wednesday 10:50 AM (CET), 90 minutes

Course description

This course is intended to serve as an introduction to the History of Spain in the 20th century from a Central European perspective. The course will offer lectures dedicated to crucial periods/aspects within Spanish history presented in the European/Global context, in combination with short film extracts and samples of literary works in order to better understand

Spanish culture and society in the 20th century. Course will also introduce new theoretical and methodological approaches (Transnational History, Global History, New Cold War History) for the historical research, applied on the example of Spain; as well as a short overview of the historiography of Spain.

The details of organization of classes and communication will be clarified during the first introductory lesson.

Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to introduce students into the contemporary History of Spain and its crucial problems and particularities, while offering an encompassing view on the Spanish 20th century within the European/World context, stemming from Central European point of view.

Apart from lectures, students will in each lesson discuss beforehand assigned and studied papers and thus acquire a critical approach to the questions still echoing in Spanish society. Besides the introduction to selected problems of Spanish history in the 20th century, the course attempts to provide an analytical approach from various fields (cinema, literature, philosophy) in order to facilitate the understanding of Spanish matter in broader perspective.

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