* Tematické okruhy:1. Introductory Class2. Language and Society
Mandatory reding : Carmen Brandt: The Identity Politics of Language and Script in South Asia.pdf 3. Social Structure
Mandatory reding : Dipankar Gupta-Caste in Question_ Identity or Hierarchy (Contributions to Indian Sociology_ Occasional Studies, 12) (2004).pdf 4. Family and Kinship
Mandatory reding : Patricia Uberoi: Family.PDF 5. Caste
Mandatory reding : Chrispopher J. Fuller: Kasty.pdf 6. Gender7. Villages and Urban Centres8. Popular Culture9. Art10. Political System11. Contemporary Issues I. - Violence: Domestic and Public12. Contemporary Issues II. - Biotechnologies: Science, Business, and Society
The following links allow access to documentaries on South Asia on topics which relate local cultural milieus with upcoming technologies and global capitalism, namely trade in human hair, surrogate motherhood, drugs in prostitution, and organ trade.
Hair India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XOxXXTRDyA
Outsourcing Surrogacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9FPiNc6-dI
Sex workers take steroids - Bangladeshi sex workers 'plump up' for clients | Guardian Investigations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGKBMvtDY68
Human trafficking victims forced to sell their organs share harrowing stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUsd7Qs4NOk
The course introduces major general subjects of cultural anthropology with focus on Indian and occasionally other
South Asian context with contemporary issues in view. The course is open to all Faculty students as well as
ERASMUS students. Prior experience with either Indian studies or cultural/social anthropology is welcome but not necessary for enrolment into the course.