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Introduction to Internetworking

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Wednesday, 8 - 11am (in room 2014B Jinonice) 11.11., 25.11., 9.12., 16.12., 6.1. 8 ECTS

The course is designed to be a catch-all kind of course whose purpose is to provide the student the elementary undestanding of various technologies and concepts that can be found in the foundations of contemporary internet, such as local networks, IP, TCP, various routing and application protocols, the DNS and others. The course starts with history overview and the OSI networking model, the lectures then follow the OSI schema from bottom to up. After attending, an ideal student should understand the basic principles of LAN topologies, switches and routers, IP addressing, autonomous systems and Internet structure, HTTP protocol and cooperation between the adjuscent layers of the networking model. The course requires the student is able to solve high school level mathematical problems, such as transfering numbers between numeral systems.