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Applied scientometry

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Mezi probíraná témata patří: Scientometrické zákony, kontext citací, vědecké časopisy, zdroje scientometrických dat, altmetriky, rankingy, financování vědy v ČR, M17+ a jiné metodiky hodnocení, publikační chování, best practices, scientometrické nástroje, smysl hodnocení, filozofické a etické aspekty kvantifikace lidské činnosti.


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with scientometrics practice in the Czech Republic. Graduates of this course will acquire the knowledge needed for work in the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics and will practice solving practical partial tasks.

In the course, the issues of science evaluation, the shape of the scientific world, ethical issues and more will be discussed.

Part of the course is also the practice of real case studies from practice.

Topics covered include: Scientometrics laws, the context of citations, scientific journals, sources of scientometrics data, altmetrics, rankings, funding of science in the Czech Republic, M17 + and other evaluation methodologies, publishing behavior, best practices, scientometrics tools.

The course can also be attended by students who have not completed the Introduction to Bibliometrics.

It is open to students in bachelor's and subsequent master's programs with an interest in scientometry.

In the case of ordering distance learning, the online Zoom platform will be used.