Osnova výuky
Čtení v českých zemích (výzkumy)
Sociální sítě a podpora čtenářství a jejch využití v knihovních službách
Akvizice beletrie ve veřejné knihovně
Kritické čtení
Sociologie četby
Kvízy ČteSyRád
Nástroj propagace/marketingu literatury vhodné pro knihovny - konkrétní příklady
Návštěva akce na podporu čtenářství (studenti navštíví samostatně)
After the start of the semester enrolled students will be contacted by e -mail with instructions for independent work .
Presentation of some tasks take place during the consultation schedule listed in the individual years.
Selection lecture is focused on work with fiction as one of the important attributes of the profession of librarian in a public library . Teaching is focused on reading adult readers. Students will visit individual action to promote reading . Discussed the issue of acquisition of fiction in the library , the current editorial policy , campaigns to promote reading . Attention will be paid as specific as numerous leisure facilities. Attention will be focused on fiction reader attractive. Completing the lectures , students will gain skills for another integral part of library work . Students will engage in discussions ( in Moodle ) on the topic of interesting books .
The teaching full-time students excursion will take place on a branch of the Municipal Library in Prague, where can i účasnit students combined study ( in Moodle will be given time).