Non-monotonic reasoning
Classical consequence
Basic properties of classical consequence (reflexivity, cumulative transitivity, monotony)
Compactness and maximalizability property
Supraclassicality and paraclassicality
Uniform substitution
How to get more
Additional background assumptions
Default-assumptions (cautious monotony, non-compactness)
Restrictions of the set of models (valuations)
Pivotal-valuations (non-compactness, definable sets of valuations)
Default-valuations (preferential models, consistency preservation, non-monotonicity, non-transitivity, cautious monotony for well-founded relations on models, not consistency preservation)
Additional background rules
Pivotal-rules (neither disjunction in the premisses nor contraposition)
Default logic
Default rules
Default theories
Operational semantics (process, extension)
General properties (consistency preservation, cautious monotony)
Normal default theories (existence of extensions, monotony in defaults, orthogonalitz of extensions)
Representation in normal default theories (non-normality required)
Semi-normal default theories
Proof theory for default logic
Joint consistency of justifications
Modified extensions
Priorities among defaults
Most influential approaches to representational issues concerning nonmonotonic reasoning, commonsense reasoning and other nondeductive kinds of reasoning including uncertain reasoning.