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Speech Acquisition II

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1. Classificational criteria of speech disorders

2. Principles of traditional approaches in speech therapy

3. Neurophysiological base of aphasia

4. Lingvistic, psychological, and therapeutic aspect of aphasia

5. Analysis of dysarthric speech production

6. General tenets of linguistic analysis in clinical practice

7. Distinctive features and clinical cases

8. Natural phonology and speech development

9. Underspecification theory

10. Consonantal harmony in developing speech

11. Optimality theory and speech anomalies

12. Phonological base of dyslexia

13. A child with atypical development of phonemic awareness


The course provides a continuation of the Speech Acquisition I and expands students' awareness of speech disorders and pathologies of speech communication. Both typical and atypical development of speech is still in the centre of attention, however, unlike the preceding course the approach is less descriptive and more analytical.

Practical explorations of speech samples provide an opportunity to compare merit of various phonological approaches with regard to our understanding of developmental aspects of speech.