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Artikulační nastavení a ultrazvuk

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |


- articulatory setting of native and second language

- methods in ultrasound tongue imaging

- articulatory training using real-time visual feedback on articulatory movements

- collecting articulatory data

- analysing articulatory data

- perceptual experiment


This is an experimental course where we will explore lingual and lip articulatory setting for English by means of ultrasound tongue imaging and video recording of the lips. Students will gain practical experience about using ultrasound tongue imaging as a real-time visual feedback method when learning articulatory setting of a second language (L2). Furthermore, they will record and analyze their own speech and make articulatory and perceptive analysis of speaking an L2 with native language’s or L2’s articulatory setting.

The course is designed primarily for students of Phonetics. Other students may enroll depending on the capacity.

Ve zkouškovém období nenásledujícím bezprostředně po semestru, ve kterém byl předmět vyučován, bude vypsán pouze jeden zkušební termín.