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Psychology of Decision Making

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Seminar covers these for key topics:

- Classical theories of decision-making under uncertainty - normative (expected utility theory) versus descriptive theories (prospect theory base for Kahneman's Nobel prize), heuristics, practical exercises.

- Group decision-making - game theory, social phenomena (groupthink, perception of fairness, altruism), experimental approach, practical exercises.

- Decision-making and well-being - future decisions and happiness, goals planning and its applications, sequential decision-making, practical exercises.

- Application of decision theories in practice - economical, social and political implications of research in decision-making, practical exercises.


This course consists of 4 half-day seminars conceived as theoretical as well as experiential workshops. Each seminar (workshop) consists of introductory in-class experiment, theoretical lecture followed with discussions, practical exercises (little in-class experiments, group-work on thematic assignments). Every seminar has one topic focus. The four topics covered are:

1) classical theories vs. prospect theory ,

2) group decisions and social implications,

3) well-being and decisions and

4) implications of theories for practice (both individual work and social phenomena).