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Introduction to Psychodynamic Thinking

Class at Faculty of Arts |


A) Discoveries of S. Freud: conscious and unconscious mind, meaning of illness and suffering, functions of mental defenses, the concept of mental development, dynamics of mental and group events. Psychoanalysis in the world of psychological and psychotherapeutic disciplines.

B) From the "psychology of one a person" to "two persons" model (the personality of the analyst and patient, the nature of relationships and changes of its meaning - Klein, Bion, Winnicott, Kohut, Mitchell, Ogden, Civitarese…)

C) Hermeneutics of suspection vs. hermeneutics of trust (D. Orange) or hermeneutics of curiosity (D. Stern); A man in the world of relationships and in the relationships of his worlds.

D) The examples of art and clinical practice, their discussion and analysis as a basic starting material


The subject introduces the history, development and current state of psychodynamic thinking, basic theory and interpretative concepts of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic well-founded way of thinking and its development is demonstrated in the case studies of selected texts of S.

Freud, D. Winnicott, S.

Mitchell, G. Gabbard, O.

Renik, D. Orange, J.

Benjamin and others. New illustrative examples from literature or practices demonstrated (subject to availability) by invited guests - figures in the field- are included during the course.