1. Úvodní hodina – co jsou to sociální média? Základní vymezení pojmů a předmětu studia (19.2. 2024)
Povinná literatura: Jensen, K. B. (2015). What’s Social About Social Media? Social Media + Society, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305115578874
Doporučená literatura: Miller, Daniel a Horst, Heather. 2012: The Digital and the Human: A Prospectus for Digital Anthropology, in Miller, Daniel et al (eds). Digital Anthropology, London: Routledge, s.3 – 31. 2. Sociální média jako globální fenomén a princip kulturního relativismu (26.2.2024)
Povinná literatura: Daniel Miller et al. 2016. How the World Changed Social Media. London: UCL Press. (vybrané kapitoly)
Doporučená literatura: Markham, Annette. 2013 “Fieldwork in social media: What would Malinowski do?“ Qualitative Communication Research“, 2(4), 2013. 434 –446. 3. Antropologie vs mediální a komunikační studia – porovnání přístupů (4.3. 2024)
Povinná literatura: Perrtiera, Anna Cristina. 2018. Media Anthropology for the Digital Age, Polity Press, kap 3. 4. Metody výzkumu I. – digitální etnografie (11.3.2024)
Povinná literatura: Sarah Pink, Heather Horst, John Postill, Larissa Hjorth, Tania Lewis, Jo Tacchi. Digital Ethnography. 2016. Principles and Practice. SAGE Publications. (vybrané kapitoly)
Doporučená literatura: Tom Boellstorff, Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce, T. L. Taylor, George E. Marcus. 2012-.Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method. Princeton University Press (vybrané kapitoly).
Light, Ben, Jean Burgess, and Stephanie Duguay. 2016. “The Walkthrough Method: An Approach to the Study of Apps.” New Media & Society 20(3): 881-900. 5. Metody výzkumu II. – vizuální a textová analýza (18.3.2023)
Povinná literatura: Ruth Page, et al. 2014. “Analysing Discourse: Qualitative Approaches,” in Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide. pp 80-103. New York: Routledge.
Doporučená literatura: Altheide, David. 1987. Ethnographic content analysis. Qualitative Sociology (10)1 6. Etické výzvy kvalitativního výzkumu sociálních médií (25.3. 2024)
Povinná literatura: Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0, https://aoir.org/reports/ethics3.pdf
Doporučená literatura: Kozinets, Robert. 2010. Conducting Ethical Netnography. In: Kozinets, Robert: Netnography – Doing Ethnographic Research Online. Sage Publications, s. 136 - 156 7. Konstrukce identity a performativita sociálních médií (8.4.2024)
Povinná literatura: Pooley, Jefferson (2021). Social Media & The Self – an open reader. Dostupné na: https://www.mediastudies.press/sms
Doporučená literatura: Abidin, C. (2016). “Aren’t These Just Young, Rich Women Doing Vain Things Online?”: Influencer Selfies as Subversive Frivolity. Social Media + Society, 2(2).https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305116641342 8. Online komunity a publika (15.4. 2023)
Povinná literatura: danah boyd. (2010). "Social Network Sites as Networked Publics: Affordances, Dynamics, and Implications." In Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites (ed. Zizi Papacharissi), pp. 39-58.
Doporučená literatura: Abidin, Crystal. 2021. “From ‘networked publics’ to ‘refracted publics’: A companion framework for researching ‘below the radar’ studies.” Social Media + Society 7(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/2056305120984458 9. Memy (22.4.2024)
Povinná literatura: Abidin C., Kaye D. B. V. (2021). Audio memes, earworms, and templatability: The “aural turn” of memes in TikTok. In Arkenbout C., Wilson J., de Zeeuw D. (Eds.), Critical meme reader: Global mutations of the viral image (pp. 58–68). Institute of Network Cultures.
Doporučená literatura: Jing Zeng & Crystal Abidin (2021) ‘#OkBoomer, time to meet the Zoomers’: studying the memefication of intergenerational politics on TikTok, Information, Communication & Society, 24:16, 2459-2481, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.196100 10. Algoritmy (29.4.2024)
Povinná literatura: Seaver, Nick. 2017. “Algorithms as Culture: Some Tactics for the Ethnography of Algorithmic Systems.“ Big Data & Society 4 (2).
Doporučená literatura: Bucher, Taina.2017. ”The algorithmic imaginary: exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms”, Information, Communication & Society, 20:1, 30-44. 11. Influenceři (6.5.2024)
Povinn á literatura: Heřmanová, Marie (2022). ‘I’m Always Telling You My Honest Opinion’: Influencers and Gendered Authenticity Strategies on Instagram", Heřmanová, M. , Skey, M. and Thurnell-Read, T. (Ed.) Cultures of Authenticity , Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 231-245. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80117-936-220221017
Doporučená literatura: Duffy, B. E. (2016). The romance of work: Gender and aspirational labour in the digital culture industries. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 19(4), 441-457. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367877915572186 12. Závěrečná hodina – prezentace a diskuze (13.5.2024)
Social media are one of the main channels of societal communication, impacting (pop)culture, politics, religion and many other areas of social life. The course offers an overview of concepts and methods for studying social media qualitatively.
It is rooted in the perspective of digital anthropology and digital ethnography, respectively. It focuses on the formation of identities and communities on social media and everyday user practices.
The first part of the course will explain the fundamental concepts in anthropological study of social media and the second part will provide an overview of research methods including practical examples.