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Digita Ethnography II: Research Seminar

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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3.3. Vymezení terénu - kde končí a kde začíná, pozice výzkumníka v (digitálním) terénu 24.3.

Etika výzkumu, získávání informovaného souhlasu 21.4. Intepretace a zpracování dat 12.5. závěrečné prezentace


The practical seminar follows up on the course Introduction to Digital Ethnography (completion of the course is a prerequisite for the registration to the seminar). The seminar will be held once a month and aims to develop knowledge and skills in digital ethnography in practice.

Detailed feedback will be given to students’ projects and case studies. Each month, we will focus on one of the issues that ethnographers most often face in the (digital) field: position of the researcher in the field, ethic of research and informed consent, data interpretation).