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Burnout among social workers: Definitions, symptoms, causes and interventions

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Burnout among social workers: Definitions, symptoms, causes, and interventions         2021-2022                                     

Dr. Istifan Maroon                                                                                                                                                   e-mail:                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Course subjects                                                                                                                                                                        a. Introduction, the prevalence and  complexity of burnout in social work & in helping professions.     b. What is burnout? definition, causes, process.                                              c. Perceptions and symptoms of burnout.                                              d. Burnout as a developing and dynamic process.                                 e.  Burnout as a multidimensional process.              f. Tools for assessing and measuring burnout.                                      g. Coping with Burnout – Intervention Perspectives.                       h. Coping with burnout on the individual level.                                                                                                                                           i. Support sources and systems at the social worker's disposal.                                                                                              

Requirements and Evaluation                                      a. Presence and active participation in class.                                                                   

Bibliography (Optional–Not obligatory; In the first lesson I will recommend selected items from the list.)                        

Acker, G. (2011). Burnout among mental health care providers, Journal of Social Work, 4, 1-9.

Ahola, K. Toppinen-Tanner, S. Seppänen, J. (2017). Interventions to alleviate burnout symptoms and to      support return to work among employees with burnout: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Burnout     Research, 4, 1-11.                                                                                       

Baker, E. (2003). Caring for ourselves: A therapist's guide to personal and professional well-being,   

     Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.        

Bakker, A. Leiter, M. (Eds.). (2010). Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and  research, New      York: Psychology Press.  

Boyd, B. Pasley, B. (1989). Role stress as contributor to burnout in child care professional, Child      and youth care quarterly, 18, 243-258.

Cherniss, C. (1983). Staff Burnout: Job stress in the human services, Beverly Hills: Sage Publication.

Cherniss, C. (1995). Beyond burnout: Helping teachers, nurses, therapists, & lawyers recover from      stress and disillusionment, New York: Routledge. 

Demerouti, E. Bakker, A. Nachreiner, F. Schaufeli, W. (2001). The job demands–resources model of      burnout, Journal of Applied Psychology , 86, 499–512.

Demerouti, E. Mostert, K. Bakker, A. (2010). Burnout and Work Engagement: A Thorough Investigation        of the Independency of Both Constructs, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 209–222.  

Diaconescu, M. (2015). Burnout, secondary trauma and compassion fatigue in social work. Revista de      Asistenta Sociala (Social Work Review), 14, 57-63.   

Edelwich, J. Brodsky, A. (1980). Burnout: stages of disillusionment in the helping professions, New      York: Human Science Press.

Etzion, D. Pines, A. (1986). Sex and culture in burnout and coping among human service professionals,      Journal of cross cultural psychology, 17, 191-209.

Figley, C. (1995). Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who      treat the traumatized, New York: Brunner/Mazel.         

Fink, G. (Ed.). (2016). Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior, London: Academic Press.

Freudenberger, H. (1974). Staff burnout, Journal of Social Issues, 30, 159-165.

Freudenberger, H. Richelson, G. (1980) Burnout: The high cost of high achievement: What it is and      how to survive it. New York: Doubleday.                

Hobfoll, S. Freedy, J. (1993). Conservation of resources: A general stress theory applied to burnout. In,      Schaufeli, W. Maslach, C. Marek, T. (Eds.). Professional burnout: Recent developments in  theory and      research, Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.                         

Kadushin, A. Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work, (5th ed.), NY: Columbia University Press.          

Kahn, W. (1990). Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work,      Academy of Management Journal, 33, 692-724. 

Kim, H. Stoner, M. (2008). Burnout and turnover intention among social workers: effects of role stress, job      autonomy and social support, Administration in Social Work, 32, 5-25.                                     

Kristensen, T. Borritz, M. Villadsen, E. Christensen, K. (2005). The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory:

     A new tool for the assessment of burnout, Work & Stress, 19, 192-207.                          

Lampert, B. Glaser, J. (2018). Detached concern in client interaction and burnout, International Journal      of Stress Management, 25, 129-143.        

Leiter, M. Bakker, A. Maslach, C. (Eds.). (2014). Burnout at Work: A psychological perspective, NY:      Psychology Press.                                                                                      

Leiter, M. Maslach, C. (2000). Areas of Worklife Survey. Wolfville, NS, Canada: Centre for Organizational      Research & Development.                                                                                                          

Leiter, M. Maslach, C. (2000). Preventing burnout and building engagement, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.         

Leiter, M. Maslach, C. (2005). Banishing burnout: Six strategies for improving your relationship  with      work, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.                                      

Leiter, M. Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout      experience, Burnout Research, 3, 89-108.

Lizano, E. (2021). <a href="