The seminar will focus on a closer understanding of the design issues and analysis of the quality of standardised questions used in surveys. In the context of the analysis of the complex nature of the interview situation, the field of cognitive approaches within the methodology of social research (Cognitive aspects of survey methodology) will be presented. Students will learn about the psychological aspects of the interview situation, the conduct of the interview between the interviewer and the respondent, their influence on the responses received and thus also the results of the survey. They will be briefed on the most important theoretical concepts of cognitive approaches as well as on the main methods currently used to design questions and questionnaires and assess their quality. Special attention will be paid to the Survey Quality Prediction app, which students will learn to use for preparing and checking the quality of questions. The course will result in a deepening of the knowledge and skills of the questionnaire construction.
The course is suitable for students from the third year of the bachelor's degree; a minimum requirement is prior completion of the Sociological Research 2: survey.
Attestation is possible by the end of a given academic year.