P?edn??ka se orientuje na kritick? v?klad metod historické lingvistiky na ?rovni vnit?n? rekonstrukce a rekonstrukce rekonstruktu, shrnuje problémy spolehlivosti metod, jej? ukotven? v ?ir??m r?mci obecné lingvistiky a typologie, jej? historii a tud?? konceptu?ln? prostor, v n?m? se pohybuje. Ve?ker? v?klad je v maxim?ln? m??e demonstrov?n prakticky, a to jak na mrtv?ch jazyc?ch a jejich rekonstrukc?ch, tak na ?ivém jazyku.
Z obsahu:
? identifikace analogie
? projevy reanal?zy
? archaismus a inovace
? relativn? ?asové limity vnit?n? rekonstrukce
? druhy a m?ra pravidelnosti v procesech jazykové zm?ny
? logické a typologické argumenty jako vedlej?? kriteria
? mo?nosti ov??en? v?sledk?
Anttila, Raimo. Historical and Comparative Linguistics. CILT6.Birnbaum, Henrik. Linguistic Reconstruction, Its Potentials and
Limitations In New Perspective, JIES Monograph 2.Durie - Ross (ed.) 1996. The Comparative Method Reviewed. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. Good, Jeff. (ed.) Linguistic Universals and Language Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008.Fox, Anthony. 2007. Linguistic Reconstruction (An Introduction to Theory and Method). Oxford (: Oxford University
Press).ock. H. H. 1991. Principles of Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam-New York (: Mouton de Gruyter).Hale, Mark. 2007.
Historical Linguistics. Theory and Methods. Oxford (: Blackwell).
Dal?? literatura:Lass, Roger. On explaining language change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1980.Lass, Roger.
Historical Linguistics and Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1997.Labov, William. Principles of
Linguistic Change. Oxford: Blackwell. 1999.Ringe, Donald A., "Reconstructed Languages" In: Woodard 2004?.Shapiro,
Michael. The Sense of Change: Language as History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1991.Sihler, Andrew L.
Language History, An Introduction, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 191, Amsterdam (: John Benjamins), 2001. Watkins,
Calvert, Indogermanische Grammatik. Bd. III/1: Geschichte der Indogermanischen Verbalflexion. Heidelberg (: Winter) 1969.