Yahya Hassan, Maja Lee Langvad - dánská lyrika po roce 2010
Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum, vybrané pasáže; hlavní žánry středověkého písemnictví v Dánsku
Literatura dánského baroka; úvod do ”salmedigtning”. Thomas Kingo
Osvícenství. Ludvig Holberg: Konvář politkem; Peder Paars (vybrané ukázky)
Preromantismus. Johannes Ewald: Levnet og Meninger (vybrané kapitoly)
Romantismus – výklad termínů. Adam Oehlenschläger: „Guldhornene“
„Organismetanken“. Oehlenschläger: Skt. Hans Aften Spil (vybrané ukázky)
N. F. S. Grundtvig – duchovní tvorba, světský odkaz
St. St. Blicher: „Zlomky z deníku venkovského kostelníka“, „Punčochář“ (biedermeier)
H. Ch. Andersen: „Stín“, „Princezna na hrášku“, „Pastýřka a kominíček“ (poetický realismus, romantismus)
G. Brandes: „det moderne gennembrud“; tzv. mravnostní svár (sædelighedsfejden)
J. P. Jacobsen: Fru Marie Grubbe
Naturalistický antibildungsroman. H. Pontoppidan:„Orlí let“; H. C. Andersen: „Ošklivé kačátko “
In this course, students will gain a basic understanding of Danish literature from the Middle Ages to the late 19th century. The courses Danish Literature I and Danish Literature II deliberately do not follow a historical chronology; by analysing modern (20th century) texts in Danish Literature I, students should acquire the necessary technical and linguistic erudition needed to study older literature in Danish Literature II.
In Danish Literature II, the main movements - Baroque, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism/Naturalism - and the works of their major representatives, such as Thomas Kingo, Ludvig Holberg, Adam Oehlenschläger, Henrik Steffens, N. F.
S. Grundtvig, J.
P. Jacobsen, are discussed.
The emergence of modern (meaning Realist) literature in Scandinavia, otherwise known as "det moderne gennembrud", will be presented in detail. The authors of the modern breakthrough (especially J.
P. Jacobsen) and Georg Brandes, the spiritual father of this current of thought, will be introduced.
Advanced knowledge of the language studied is assumed; most of the readings, including secondary literature, are in Danish.