Optional practical Galician language course for beginners. The teacher is a native speaker. Classes are conducted in Galician, email communication is possible in English or Spanish.
Course: Galician II
Teacher: Érika Blanco Favaro
Contact: erika.bfavaro@hotmail.com
Tutorials: Every day by appointment 1. Aim of the course
At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases to satisfy immediate needs. They will also acquire a very general knowledge of social conventions and cultural references of Galician culture. The student will be able to introduce him/herself and others and will develop the ability to ask questions about personal matters such as tastes, preferences, interests and customs of his/her immediate environment. The student will be able to communicate in a simple way and support the interlocutor in communication. 2. Manual:
The course manual will be Jaime Corpas, Margarita Chamorro, Ivonete da Silva, Xaquín Núñez, Aula de galego 1, (Xunta de Galicia, 2008). During this semester we will cover units 3, 4 and 5. The digital file can be found at the following link: https://www.lingua.gal/c/document_library/get_file?file_path=/portal-lingua/celga/celga-1/material-alumno/Manual_Aula_de_Galego_1_libro_completo_red.pdf 3. Further recommended reading:
VVAA. (2012): Vencello. Lingua e cultura galega para estudiantes de fóra de Galicia. Ed. Galerada. Spain. ISBN: 9788496786097
FEIXO, X. (2010): Galego século 21: Nova guía da lingua galega. Ed. Galaxia. A Coruña. ISBN: 9788498652642
VVAA. (2007): Diccionario fraseolóxico siglo XXI. Edicións do Cumio. ISBN: 9788482890272
VVAA. (2007): Dictionary of Gallician for beginners. Ed. Susaeta ISBN: 9788467703993 4. Contents:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
· Describing objects.
· Make comparisons.
· Describe a neighbourhood.
· Express frequency
· Share his/her own habits and those of the target culture.
· Express frequency.
· Propose, accept and decline invitations.
· Talk about past experiences.
· Talk about skills and aptitudes.
· Express needs.
· Ask about the products at the store.
· Invite or propose something. 5. Evaluation
Participation 30% Participation
Final assignments 30%.
Final exam 40%
Final tasks
At the end of each unit, the student will complete a task in the target language using the functional exponents, vocabulary and grammar studied. The task will be related to their personal experiences and will test their acquired ability to express meaning in Galician. You will be provided with specifications and assessment criteria for the task.
The classes will be interactive and will require student's active participation. Taking into account the importance of the activities carried out in the class, which will be essential for learning the language in addition to making it easier and more meaningful, it is recommended not to miss more than 30% of the sessions.
Final exam
The final exam will take place at the end of the semester and will cover the units covered in the classroom. The different language skills will be evaluated.