Latina jako východisko vývoje románských jazyků, výslovnost latiny, latinský jmenný morfologický systém, latinský slovesný morfologický systém, úvod do četby jednoduchých latinských textů, hlavní rysy vývoje latinské slovní zásoby směrem k románským jazykům, fenomén vulgární latiny.
In this course students from Romance studies are introduced to classical Latin as the source of historical development of all Romance languages. Stress is placed on mastering verbal and pronominal Latin morphology, the elements of which are recognisable also in the modern forms of Romance languages, as well as in Latin nominal morphology.
This knowledge is necessary to understand the historical development of Romance languages. This will be practiced through the translation of simplified extracts.
The teacher will point out the fundamental agreements and variations that occurred in the course of historical developments, moving from classical Latin to modern Romance languages.