V rámci kurzu budeme pracovat s multimediálními materiály (texty, audio, video). Témata budou založena na 25.-30. lekci Ruštiny nejen pro samouky, ale budou doplněny o dallší materiály na zaákladě od zájmu/potřeb účastníků kurzu.
Jednotlivá témata budou doplněna vhodnými lexikálně-gramatickými cvičeními.
The course is a one-semester course, taught in person.
The course takes place 1x2 hours per week and is supplemented by home preparation supporting learner´s autonomy (the student focuses on what interests him, what he is not good at, what competences he wants to develop).
Course B2.2 is newly taught from LS 2021/2022 and is a continuation of course B2.1.
The course is intended for all students with at least a B1+ level of Russian (the first 21 lessons of textbook V. Nekolová Russian not only for self-learners, Leda 2017, who want to improve their language knowledge and skills to reach at least some of them at B2 level. In the case of a deficit in productive language skills, it is a good complement to attend the course Russian: Россия: язык, общество, культура.
The course will focus on the development of all language and communication skills - Lessons 25-30 from the textbook will be supplemented with additional authentic materials based on student interest.